
Mission Statement


We aim at Noah’s Ark Pre-school to ensure that all children feel included, secure and valued.

We monitor each child’s progress throughout their stay with us, identifying their strengths or any difficulties found in the areas of learning. Through our key person system, we will adapt our plans and support their needs. We aim to have a carefully structured curriculum which builds on what a childcan already do, meeting their needs and providing purposeful activities and oppotunities for learning.

Our aim is to build a positive relationship with parents and children alike in an atmosphere of respect, security and confidence. Working together and developing good partnerships with parents helps children feel positive and encourages their learning.
Parents can help in a variety of ways from the provision of relevant information to practical assistance.

Building good relationships means a positive, successful and happy atmosphere for all.

Loving Father on this day,

Playing fair,

Letting others have a share,

Make us happy in our play,

Kind and helpful,


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