
Use Of Mobile Phones

Use Of Mobile Phones, Smartwatches, Video Cameras And Cameras

Policy statement

We take steps to ensure that there are effective procedures in place to protect children, young people and vulnerable adults from the unacceptable use of mobile phones, smart watches and cameras in the setting.


Personal mobile phones

Personal mobile phones belonging to members of staff are not used on the premises during working hours.

At the beginning of each individual’s shift, personal mobile phones must be stored with personal possessions in the store cupboard which is locked.

In the event of an emergency, personal mobile phones may be used in the privacy of the office, with the permission of the manager.

Members of staff ensure that the telephone number of the setting is known to immediate family and other people such as schools who need to contact them in an emergency.

If members of staff take their own mobile phones on outings, for use in the event of an emergency, they should not make or receive personal calls as this will distract them. They will not use their phone to take videos or stills during the outing.

We do not allow the use of mobiles by parents or visitors on the premises whilst children are present.

Noah’s Ark Work Mobile Phone

The mobile phone for Noah’s Ark is dedicated to take occasional videos and stills of children. These will then be sent to parents who have signed up on our video WhatsApp group and given agreement for the group videos and stills to be circulated within the group. Videos/stills of individual children will only be sent to their parents. The phone can only be connected to the internet and is not used to make calls or use of search engines. Videos and stills will be sent before and after sessions for parents to view. If it is not in use, it is locked away.

Cameras and video cameras, smartwatches and other devices

Members of staff must not bring their own cameras or video recorders into the setting.

Smartwatches and other devices need to be turned off and put away in the store cupboard.

Smart sunglasses not to be used at Noah’s Ark.

Photographs and recordings of children are only taken for valid reasons, i.e. to record their development and learning or for displays within the setting.

Photographs and recordings of children are only taken on equipment belonging to the setting.
Camera and mobile video use is monitored by the setting manager.

Photographs and recordings of children are only taken of children if there is written permission to do so (found on the individual child’s record form).

Photos are also used for the child’s Learning Journey when taken on the camera.
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