
First Aid

Noah’s Ark Pre-school

Registered Charity Number 1077417

First Aid

Policy statement

In our setting staff are able to take action to apply first aid treatment in the event of an accident involving a child or adult. At least one member of staff with current paediatric first aid training is on the premises or on an outing at any one time.


The first aiders names are displayed in the foyer, main room and kitchen. Certificates are stored in the office and are available on request.


The First Aid Kit Our first aid kit complies with the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 as recommended by St John Ambulance (paediatric first aid) and delivered by Achieving for Children (AFC).

 The first aid box is easily accessible to adults and is kept out of the reach of children.

No un-prescribed medication is given to children, parents or staff.

At the time of admission to the setting, parents' written permission for emergency medical advice or treatment is sought. Parents sign and date their written approval.

Parents sign a consent form at registration allowing staff to take their child to the nearest Accident and Emergency unit to be examined, treated or admitted as necessary on the understanding that parents have been informed and are on their way to the hospital.
Legal framework Health and Safety
(First Aid ) Regulations 1981)

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